Good Hope goes into six prisons in northern Malawi to show God’s love and share God’s word with the men there.
- Bringing them lunch once a month
- Distributing clothing and glasses as needed
- Teaching God’s word to the Bible study groups that are established
- Distributing New Testaments and Bible Lessons to all who attend a Bible Study Group
- Giving certificates for successfully completing Bible lessons
- Bible study groups are established in all the prisons, and they often meet daily together to study together.
Benjamin Banda's Testimony
Words cannot express how thankful I was to God for Good Hope Ministries! I knew this meant my life would no longer be the same. It is by God’s amazing grace that this is all happening. It is just amazing how God works. Who knew that I could be a free man? I am happy that I accepted God in my life and it’s a privilege to know about the free gift of Salvation that the Lord has given me. I praise Him with all my heart for this.
I just want to share the amazing wonders that God has done for me. First of all, when Good Hope Ministries came to the prison, I did not expect my life to change like that. I went in as somebody who had lost his way. I thought there was no more hope for me. I thought this was the end of my life as I knew it. There was nothing anybody could do for me, that’s what I had in my mind.
But when Good Hope came, my life turned around. I learned the Forgiving Father lesson and immediately I realised that God still loved me and was always by my side even though I was in prison. Keep in mind, by then, I didn’t even have the slightest idea that I would be out of prison anytime soon. I had been in there for 9 months and I expected to be there for many more years to come. My family would visit me, but it’s not easy to visit me every now and then because I knew my wife was struggling with the kids because she was left alone to take care of them even though she didn’t have a job. I knew there was nobody to help her too.
However, when Good Hope Ministries came, I knew that even if I don’t get out of prison, I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour and it gave me so much joy to learn about God’s kingdom and Salvation. I read the Bible you gave me as did everyone else in prison every day. It was such a joy to live for the Lord now. I joined the fellowship team and shared the word of God with friends and studied the GBL (Great Bible Lessons) with some of my fellow inmates at the fellowship.
Little did I know that God still had plans for me. After a while the Prison Chaplain and guard told me that I had been identified as one of the inmates who had changed so much with Good Hope’s visit, and because of the behaviour I had been showing and my participation in the fellowship and Bible Study Groups.
Michael Mbizi’s Testimony
Michael Mbizi was at Mzuzu prison. He was arrested on a crime by public servant. He was sentenced to 5 years imprisonment. He joined the BSG and due to his commitment and dedication, he was later selected the leaders of the BSG. After showing change in his behavior, he was released on presidential pardon. With his GBL certificate which he received, he was approved as a changed person and was given a chance to study plumbing at Phwezi Technical college. He has just obtained his Diploma. This year 2024, he is studying his Advanced Diploma.ed