About Good Hope Ministries

Founded in 2001 by Joe & Anna Ebert

Working with the Tumbuka people in every village in northern Malawi

​Home base is in Luwinga, Mzuzu

Office in Canada is located in London, Ontario

Dzengo (CEO) and Faith Mzengeza

Founders – Joe and Anna Ebert

Good Hope Ministries is a holistic ministry committed to improving the lives of the Tumbuka people in northern Malawi through sharing God’s word and showing God’s love in many practical ways so they will trust us and receive the message we bring. In doing so, that God can be glorified through it all.

Our team of nationals teach and train the people in ways they can treasure what they have learned to better their living conditions and so give themselves Good Hope for the future here and for all of eternity.

Our Malawi home base is in Luwinga, Mzuzu


GHM has 6 teams, each responsible for one district in northern Malawi to oversee all our programs there.

Serving a free hot lunch to all who come to hear the message that God loves them and offers His free gift of salvation to whosoever will come to Him. During the visits to the villages, the team continues to train new Bible Study Group coaches and leaders for adults, youth and children.

There are now over 4,500 established groups in most villages in the north, with close to 200,000 attending. To God be the glory!

Giving New Testaments to all who attend the Bible Study groups at least 10 times. We are limited to 12,000 per year and wishing we had more to give away.

Distributing Bible Lessons to anyone with the desire to study God’s word from young to old. Last year 170,000 books were distributed.

Teach men to provide, protect and love their wives and children God’s way and teaching women, youth and children their roles – God’s way as well.

Showing the ‘JESUS’ film, a 2 hour film on the life of Christ in villages they go to. Over 2 million people have seen the film.

Repair their broken boreholes (wells).

Have treated 250,000 with skin issues such as ring worm, scabies and sores over the years.

Go into all 6 prisons in the north to teach the Bible Study groups that have been established there. Those who attend are given a free lunch once a month – a real treat: “It’s like Christmas”.

Distribute reading and prescription glasses in all the villages to all who need them.

To provide protection for the abused of all ages through our Protecting Our Children program.

Establish 1,000s of Children’s Bible Clubs where children are taught that Jesus loves them and is with them always. Something many have not heard before.

These clubs become their family and provide a place where they belong.

Teaching youth lessons like, “Why Am I Here on Earth?” gives them purpose in life. This has helped reduce and stop many suicides and instead are learning to help others.

Our Goal is to reach all 2,100,000 Tumbuka people living in northern Malawi.